Some people might say that there’s nothing more American than Apple Pie. But when I really want to channel ‘murica in my baking, the first thing that always comes to mind: s’mores. I love s’mores of all shapes and sizes. Last year I hosted a gourmet s’mores night in my backyard with friends which was potentially the classiest sugar high of my life. But the one thing that’s tough about s’mores is that they aren’t the easiest to transport or show up to a picnic or BBQ with. At least that was the case before I discovered this life changing treat: Indoor S’mores Bars.
When I think indoor s’mores, I usually think of toasting marshmallows over the gas flame on my stove. But the issue with that is I really like to burn the livin bejeezus out of my marshmallow, eat the crunchy part, then toast the remaining marshmallow innards and put that in between my graham crackers and chocolate. Which leaves my house smelling like Crazy Eddie’s firepit backyard. No bueno.
My friend Lexi (of @LexiBakes) turned me on to this recipe when she was snap chatting making them for an event, and I’m pretty sure I was drooling on my phone, so texted her for the recipe. Here’s a few things that make this recipe pretty much the best thing to happen to America since freedom rang: there are only five ingredients, they take less than a half hour to make, and there’s literally no way you could mess this recipe up. Plus in the summer, who wants to be bothered with turning their oven on or standing over a fire pit when it’s hot as all heck outside.
And they are perfect for a memorial day picnic because these ooey gooey treats are delicious freshly chilled from the fridge or even when they get a little melty and gooey like a real s’more. I brought a batch to my friend Lauren a few weeks ago when I met her for brunch, since she’s one of my long-time loyal taste testers. Not only did these babies get two thumbs up from Lauren (four thumbs if you count Taylor too) but her husband brought them to work and there were so many requests for the recipe that I was extra motivated to get it up on the blog this holiday weekend.
So however you choose to celebrate America this weekend – hot dogs, bocce, suns out guns out American flag tank tops and cutoff jeans – make America great again with a batch of these Indoor S’mores Bars.
Life, liberty and the pursuit of s’mores.
Yield: 12 Bars
Prep Time: 15 Minutes
Cook Time: 10 Minutes
Total Time: 25 Minutes