Sprinkles. There’s no such thing as too many sprinkles. These cookies have been on my “to-bake” list for quite some time now, not just because they are oh-so-pretty, but because I have been intrigued about the idea of putting goat cheese in a cookie, and having it taste good. After whipping up a batch this weekend, I can verify that goat cheese in a sugar cookie is damn delicious.
I’ve been on a big goat cheese kick lately, and have been looking for ways to incorporate it into literally everything. So when I remembered this recipe baked by my friend Lindsay over at at Love and Olive Oil from a few holiday cookie swaps ago, I was excited to test it out. The reason behind my goat cheese obsession is that I finally have gotten some results back on some food intolerances that may be the culprit for years of a sick stomach. (Not that my lifestyle of not sleeping, getting on a plane 2x a week and working crazy hours could be contributing … but I digress). Anyway, my nutritionist in North Carolina recommended this Pinner Test, that is a one-prick food intolerance blood test. Since I had tried everything else, I figured why not?
My results came back that I had a severe intolerance to cow’s milk, egg yolks and legumes, with a mild intolerance to lamb. So after a mild dramatic episode in the Ice Cream aisle of the grocery store singing James Blunt’s “goodbye my lover” I decided to at least try to cut these foods out the best I could to at least see if it made me feel better. Clearly, I’m not doing that well since these cookies have butter, milk and eggs in them, but hey, baby steps. The nice part is the test breaks down different types of lactose, so while cow’s milk is a no-no for me, I’m all good with sheep’s and goat’s milk. bahhh.
The recipe calls for 3 ounces of goat’s cheese, which can be substituted with cream cheese if you really prefer that, but I’m telling you try it with the goat cheese at least once. I was not sure what to expect when I first bit into the cookie, but I was totally pleasantly surprised. Instead of the super sugary sweet flavor of a traditional sugar cookie, it gives it a more mild, yet savory sweet taste that is truly addicting. I mean literally. I ate 4 in a row.
Rolling these cookies in non-pareils instead of traditional granulated sugar also helps with both the texture and flavor. The non-pareils give the cookie a really nice crunch when you bite into it, without being too sweet.
The other great thing about these cookies is they would travel really well, and stay fresh for several days (if they lasted that long). I will definitely be adding these to my cookie swap and cookie trays around the holidays, not just for the durability of the cookie, but also to brighten up any plate.
So if you’re looking for a unique, new go-to sugar cookie that will not disappoint, get your goat cheese ready and whip up a batch of these Goat Cheese Sugar Cookies. Enjoy!
Yield: 36 Cookies
Prep Time: 30 Minutes (Includes Chilling)
Cook Time: 10 Minutes
Total Time: 40 Minutes